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R.A.D.D.: Guaranteed



All coaching sessions are private and you have a dedicated encrypted text platform to talk to me...whenever you want. 



Our services work because they are science-based (Research shows that the components of CBT that I use in RADD and THRIVE show the greatest evidence of success compared to other interventions), are based on my 20 years of lived experience of sobriety,  and include the critical component of 24/7 technology lockdown. 



Everyone's life and circumstances are different. So cookie-cuttter online "master-classes" don't work in this instance. You need addiction recovery strategies tailored to your life...and I am with you every step of the way.  



I am so confident in the RADD process that I have created, that I am willing to make you this promise: If after the minimum amount of sessions and after working the program you are not able to stay sober for 60 days, you will receive life-time access to Digital Addiction Coaching.

Why are so many of us addicted to online pornography?

Why do so many of us try to quit again and again...only to be drawn back into the darkness? Here is why: What you see online, you can't get out of your head. It feels tattooed on your brain.  There aren't any drugs you can take to flush the addiction out of your system. It is easy to access content anywhere.

So, why am I so confident that you being a part of RADD and THRIVE will help you? 

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